To celebrate this monumentous coming-of-age event, I pretty much had the best weekend ever. On Friday afternoon I met up with my BFFAE Gregory, which was amazing because I haven't seen him in over a year (he's been studying abroad). He told me the insane news that he's actually been offered a job working in America so he's moving to near San Francisco - how wicked is that? Then I went to Hayley and Steph's house, where they gave me presents and cupcakes and birthday cake and sourz slushies (which I didn't realise that I needed in my life until I had one) and sparkly wine with gold bits in it and all sorts of lovely party birthday things. After my mate Ben arrived all the way from Newcastle, we headed into York to Fibbers to meet some of my other friends and to see Frankie and the Heartstrings (how magical that they were playing in my city so close to my birthday). The gig was absolutely perfect, a proper good start to the weekend. After the show we went to Reflex, which is this creepily awesome eighties bar, and danced. Cracking night. (Big up to Michael from F&TH for sorting me and Hayley with tickets, what a diamond).
On Saturday my parents organised a party for me with all of my family, so we had about 25 people from both sides of my family at my house. It was fantastic! I hadn't seen a few of them for quite a while, so that was really lovely.
Yesterday it was my actual birthday, so I had a lie-in because I was completely knackered, then got up and opened presents from my family. I'll have to put some photos up later when I've taken them because I got some beautiful things. We had lunch and then went for a walk at Towton, came home and watched The Other Guys, which my brother bought me for my birthday. Best film ever! Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell - who would have thought that they would make such a dream team?
But now the partying is over and I'm 21. Does that mean that I have to grow up now?