Last night I had a dream about Kings of Leon. This is nothing particularly unusual for me, however there was a pretty cool moment in last night's dream where Jared Followill asked me if I was from Hull and, so impressed I was that he had even heard of a place relatively near to where I live, I lied and said yes (My mum's from Hull, so it wasn't that big of a lie). Then he said that he was too. And I stared at him for ages, like WHAAAT! And he said 'you're a little bit weird, aren't you?' But whatever, what the hell does he even know?
Anyway, I have a point, for once. My point today is that, mere hours after dreaming about this fabulous band, I discovered that THEY ARE DOING A UK TOUR.

A tour. In England. A tour that they told NME wouldn't happen for at least another year because they wanted a break. Not only is this pant-wettingly, squeal-worthy good news, but I now also fully believe that I am a musical prophet.
Hahah, your dream made me laugh :) Thank you for your lurrrvely comment!! Following you by the way (i thought i already was mind...)! xxx