Sunday, 20 March 2011

"He's like a prancing deer."

At the moment, my time is fairly evenly divided between working, sleeping and sticking coloured marker labels in library books pertaining to what essay I am writing. As part of this final push at uni (I finish in May, woah), I have been reading and researching (but sadly, at the moment, not getting so far with the writing) in almost every spare hour I get. For example, today I spent seven hours reading and making notes on 'How experimental is the poetry and prose of the Beat Generation, in particular at Allen Ginsburg’s ‘Howl’ and Jack Kerouac’s Big Sur?' How epic.

But yesterday me and Hayley had a well-earned break from library time and went to have lunch in York's museum gardens. We sat on some of the old ruins and people-watched for a while (I say 'people-watched', but I actually mean 'laughed at everyone who walked past'), whilst enjoying a few brief moments of sunshine. It was nice just to be outside for once - I get cold really easily, and I hate being cold, so I tend to stay inside as much as possible between October and April.

We also went into York Art Gallery and had a look at David Hockney's 'Bigger Trees Near Warter' which is currently there. If you're ever about in York, do go and have a look. It is breathtakingly impressive.


  1. I hate being cold too, it actually makes me so grumpy! Always living for the summer!xx

  2. I've been meaning to go to the David Hockney exhibition, it sounds really good :). Hope you've had a good weekend! x

  3. I want your hair gurrrrl. Eeh Hiya fellow york student, Im at york uni.

    Helen, X


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