Monday, 25 April 2011

"And for the first time, I can call this home"

I took a trip to Bolton Abbey yesterday with my folks. It was beautiful and wonderful and so, so warm. I am loving this weather! We went on this long walk down both sides of the river and I melted. The last mile or so was more like an endurance test for me (I used to be really fit and won athletics competitions and all sorts of things, but I'm skinny-fat now, and completely lazy) but it was a grand day nonetheless.
In hindsight, double denim was a bad choice. It was cold when we set off...


  1. You really make me want to explore the many, many places of England which I haven't seen yet!

  2. You must get this all the time, but you really remind me of Florence Welch in these photos. Your hair is so lovely, I was going to dye mine to be more that colour but decided I didn't want to lose my natural colour. Big up the redheads, yo.

  3. It looks beautiful, I really need to get visiting more such places around the country! :) x

  4. You're so beautiful! I love these pictures.

    and yayyyy for being skinny-fat! Bahaha. My legs are super toned, but my middle? it's all soft; absolutely no abs. Oh, and my arms are weaklings. :P

  5. Ohhh I love Bolton Abbey it's one of my favourite places to walk and jump across the stepping stones. My sister and I used to swim in the river too when it was hot! Hope you had a lovely day - the weather was beaut and ha I so know what you mean, I literally have to crawl the last part of the walk hehe :) x


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