"...for we are engaged here in the most important pursuit in history: the search for meaning. What is the nature of being a person? What is the best way to go about being a person? How did we come to be, and what will become of us when we are no longer? In short: what are the rules of this game and how might we best play it?"
Through the epicness that was researching, writing and completing my dissertation, I didn't get much chance to read anything just for pleasure. I felt too guilty about reading something that couldn't be used in my essay, so I have only just gotten around to reading a book that I have wanted to get my hands on for aaages: John Green's Looking For Alaska.
Without a doubt it is one of the most stunning books I have ever read. The characters are fabulous and hilarious and real (despite being slightly Doulgas-Coupland-ish a couple of times in their speech) and the ideas that the novel offer on life and love and death are beautiful. It's intelligent and funny and tragic and so special. I don't want to explain the plot or anything because it spoils it, kind of, but this book is my recommendation for this month. Truly fabulous.
Through the epicness that was researching, writing and completing my dissertation, I didn't get much chance to read anything just for pleasure. I felt too guilty about reading something that couldn't be used in my essay, so I have only just gotten around to reading a book that I have wanted to get my hands on for aaages: John Green's Looking For Alaska.
Without a doubt it is one of the most stunning books I have ever read. The characters are fabulous and hilarious and real (despite being slightly Doulgas-Coupland-ish a couple of times in their speech) and the ideas that the novel offer on life and love and death are beautiful. It's intelligent and funny and tragic and so special. I don't want to explain the plot or anything because it spoils it, kind of, but this book is my recommendation for this month. Truly fabulous.
I love this book.