On Wednesday night I went to see X-Men: First Class. I have loved all of the X-Men films and I still think they're some of the best comic book adaptations out there, so I was, in an admittedly very sad and forever-alone kind of way, properly excited for First Class. And it was amazing. James McAvoy was perfect as Professor X; literally he was made for that role. Such swagger. And Michael Fassbender as Magneto was brilliant casting too. I genuinely think it's the best of all the X-Men films and I'm definitely going to see it again. The cheeky cameo appearance they slipped in there as well as the Professor X hair loss jokes quite made my day.

Also, last week I went to see The Hangover 2 and just, I can't even. Just go and see it. I think my body is damaged I laughed so much. It's nearly as good as the first one, and that's quite an achievement in itself. Bradley Cooper makes my eyes hurt he's so attractive.

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