Saturday, 9 October 2010


Today, October 9th, would have been the 70th birthday of John Lennon. My parents had been planning to go to Liverpool (they're on holiday at the moment) but decided to wait until I could go with them at the weekend, but I didn't make the connection until last night that I was going to be in Liverpool for Lennon's birthday!

There was tonnes of stuff going on; there was a stage set up in town with bands playing all day, posters and memorial banners hanging all over the place, and crowds of tourists wearing Beatles shirts everywhere you went. I adore The Beatles, so being there today was a huge buzz for me, especially when we went down Matthew Street where The Cavern is. All the bars had the doors and windows open and were blasting out Beatles songs, and there were birthday cards and bunches of flowers laid on the statue of The Beatles that is in the little shopping centre that rests above where the original Cavern club was (an exact replica of the club is open a few doors down from the original now).

Today I'm wearing: blouse - Topshop, shorts - vintage G-Stars that I cut down myself, coat - Salvation Army, boots - New Look, bag - Topshop, sunglasses - Ray-Bans, belt - nicked off my brother.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN! Thanks for the music. X


  1. This looks like an enchanting place! Loving your outfit, and happy bday John!


  2. ah i love the beatles - and i also love your shorts, blouse and hair!!
    Thanks for your sweet comment btw, technically i can't afford the coat either but what else are student loans for?!
    Glad you found my blog because it means i can now follow you :) x

  3. Isn't it great that there has been so much Lennon-love for his 70th. I do like Liverpool, have been a few times but scandalously never to the Cavern Club!

  4. Great outfit... amazing pictures! John Lennon was and Is the greatest musician ever!


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